TRUE House of Praise, Church of God in Christ "Ascension by Extension"

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The TRUE House of Praise  (a.k.a. "THOP" or "The House") is a pentecostal member congregation in the CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST, INC. one the largest pentecostal organizations in the world--based in Memphis, TN. The COGIC is led by its PRESIDING BISHOP & CHIEF APOSTLE, the dynamic, world-renown orator of righteousness and television minister--Bishop Charles E. Blake of Los Angeles, CA (

The humble undershepherd (pastor) of the TRUE House of Praise is the anointed Gospel preacher/teacher/writer/worshipper--Elder Saul Eady, Jr. He and his lovely wife, Evangelist Trenece Eady, along with a very special group of laborers makeup a unique combination of traditional worshippers, with a innovative twist that proves inviting and loving to all who experience the "THOP" atmosphere. "What we lack in size we make up for with our love, faith, integrity and fellowship," said Pastor Eady.

"THOP" or "The House" as it is affectionately known is a member of the Tennessee Eastern Second Ecclessiastical Jurisdiction of the Church of God in Christ, Inc. under the fatherly leadership of the Bishop James M. Scott , Sr. of Chattanooga, TN.

It is with Jesus' great joy and thanksgiving that we here at The TRUE House of Praise Church of God in Christ welcome you to come and enjoy a wonderful time of praise, worship and fellowship, with us in Music City USA--Nashville, TN. We are most appreciative to God for loving us so that he gave his only begotten Son that whoseover believeth in Him shall not perish but shall have everlasting life.  Our appreciation is expressed in our acknowledgment of our purpose and recognition of the great sacrifice of Christ to leave glory descend to the gory of earth  and time solely for the purpose of reconciling humanity to God.  IN recognition of this divine undertaking we @ THOP believe it to our reasonable service to  faithfully come before His presence with singing and praise being thankful unto Him and blessing His Holy name. For the Lord  IS OH SO GOOD!!!

THOP Basic Information:

Physical Address:
TRUE House of Praise
202 Chilton Street
Nashville, TN 37211

Mailing Address:
TRUE House of Praise
P.O. Box 92074
Nashville, TN 37209

Telephone & Prayer Line: 615-833-7757
For Transportation: 615-833-7757

WATCH THE PRAISE REPORT,with host Pastor Saul Eady,Jr. Each Sunday morning @ 8:00 A.M. and Monday morning @ 10:30 A.M. on Nashville, TN Cable Access Channel 19.
Come experience the move of God to and through this new progressive and growing ministry nestled in the heart of Antioch in Nashville, TN (Music City U.S.A.).



Pastor Saul Eady, Jr. & 1st Lady Trenece Eady

Women's Ministry Coordinator
Missionary Trenece C. Eady 

Financial Admin. & Men's Ministry Coordinator
Deacon Jerome Jones

Church Secretary & Head Usher:
Sis. Nichelle Hendking

Church Mother & Pastor's Support Coordinator: 
Mother Ethel Medaries

Music Dept. Min. of Music:
Sis. Damita Hyde

Music Dept. ~ Precussionist:

Bro. Jermelle Brasher

Music Dept. ~Bass/Keys/Precussion:
Bro. Kevin Singleton

Assoc. Elder: 
Elder Charles Pruitt

Youth Coordinators:
Miss'y Trenece Eady
Asst. Sis. Amy Jones

Children's Coordinators:
Sis. Emma Bell
Asst. Sis Shaunte Spears

Telecast Cable Access Ch.(19) WHTN  "THE PRAISE REPORT"
 Sun @ 8 A.M./Mon @10:30 A.M.

(LPI)Laborer Preparatory Inst. Sun. @ 9:30 A.M
Intercessory Prayer--Sun. @ 10:45 A.M.
Celebration Worship Service--Sun. @ 11:00 A.M
Soul's Food Bible Study-- Wed. 7:00 P.M. 

Seal Of The TRUE House of Praise, COGIC"

The Official Seal of the TRUE House of Praise, COGIC is crestlike in design but circular in spirit symbolic of the the immutable, endless and encompassing essence of God.  Within the seal is the Shofar or ram's horn which denotes our mandate to praise God as a means of ushering in His presence that we may worship Him in spirit and in truth.   The Dove denotes the third person of the Godhead--The Holy Ghost , our Comforter and Keeper. The Cross represents the altar wherein the Perfect Sacrifice for the redemption of humanity, Jesus Christ, was offered up for the forgiveness of our sins. The Seal of the COGIC is present to denote our connectivity with our legacy/history and that which empowers us within the framework of the organization of men. The World which represents the field upon which we are to be a light as a witness for Christ.  The Sword which represents the Word of God which is our life source of information and our foundation for living presently and enternally. The Shepherd's Crook which represents the Office and Authority of the Good Shepherd and the vicarious mantle and authority of the undershepherd or pastor as the ambassador/steward of Christ to the body of Christ.  The Name TRUE House of Praise is centered around the upper extremities to highlight the God-breathed  name for this ministry  emphasizing T. for teaching, R. for reaching, U. for uniting and E. for enriching. The Motto at the bottom of the seal summarizes our visionary mandate of  Ascension by Extension  denoting that we are conscious of the fact that our "Ascending to God is inseparably connected with our Extending our ministerial efforts to humanity."